Friday, December 21, 2012

Gee Jill is so slack it is almost Christmas 2012 and she has not posted anything about me since Kiera came to live with us.

When Jill and Gerard picked up Kiera there was another doggie who needed a home, so she came to live with us also her name is  Milly.. She is a golden retriever about 5 years at the time.

Sadly I got very sick and the vet had to come and visit me and had to put me to sleep. This would have been early May 2012 Jill cannot remember exactly when.  My body just shut down and did not want to go any more so the vet kindly put me to sleep and I am now over the rainbow bridge with Millie who left us earlier in the year,. Gosh I hope she is nice to me now..  So it is Kiera and Milly now living with Jill and Gerard and the two cats and only one rabbit as Bunz took ill, could not eat which meant heaps of problems for a bunny and another visit to the vet to have her put to sleep also. They did try to save her but there were so many problems with her it was too cruel to keep her alive. It was such a shame as she loved being with Jill her surrogate groomer and in the evenings she would run into the lounge room and run over toMilly and just put her head into her face expecting her to groom her, but she did not know what she wanted.

I was coming up to 15 years in a few months, so I had a good life with both of my owners and gave them all lots of joy as they did me.  So my life has ended.  I will R.I.P and have given my owners lots of good memories.

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Goodness look at the date!  Poor little Millie was put to sleep a few months back, her heart murmur got worse and there was now nothing that could be done for her. Such a shame as she was still so active. But meds etc would have only prolonged her life for a little while and her coughing was so bad, so the time came. I was actually relieved in one way coz she was still so bossy to me. I hated it when she bit my heels for no reason. Sometimes she drew my blood with her little snappy attacks! I was content for a while to just be on my own, but the white rabbit was becoming a nuisance because Milly was the one who gave her so much attention, grooming her face and long ears. Buns would sit there for ages enjoying the wonderful massaging motions of Millies tongue. Now she keeps expecting me to do something for her and I don't know what to do!  She is also expecting Jill to be there and give her rubs as well. That is ok while Jill has the time, but the problem is she likes to sit on her lap and go to sleep for hours. I think I have mentioned in the past that she is deaf? Well that is why she sleeps so soundly as there is nothing to disturb her.  She often comes now to sit next to me when I am at the front door waiting for Gerard to come home.

Well I was getting rather tired and feeling low and depressed, my arthritis was really hurting, so I have had a course of injections for pain relief which has helped and I am taking green lipped mussel powder regularly, does this help?? I don't know but it sure tastes real good. Anyway Kate came up for a few days and it was so good to see Lipo and Luna back here running around and keeping me company. Oh and I turned 14 last week. So Jill and Gerard went and saw Kiera a retired breeding dog who needed a home. Kiera is now living with us and I do feel much better having some company. She is very quiet and shy, but I am hoping she will get used to living with us and be happy. I do like having her here.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Hi Mum,

It is me again, I just wanted to say hello and let you know I am well. I am still very happy living here, although Millie is a real pain at times. I had a run in with a german shepherd the other week, I was only trying to be friendly, but he really gave me a fright and had me pinned to the ground. Luckily there was no broken skin, Jill was so worried I might have got bitten as he was vicious.
After Kate coming down to visit, she had a talk to Gerard about how much food I am eating as I have been putting on the weight. You would be surprised to see how much better I now look. I feel so much better with running around.
Jill came home with another bunny the other week, he is cute but keeps running across our bed on the verandah and disturbs Millie and myself. I don't like the bunnies getting into my personal space.
I had a vet check over a few months ago for the second time and he found a lump the first time on my back leg. I went back recently and it has grown and the vet found I had quite a few lumps around including a huge one near the base of my tail. He is not concerned at the moment and wants to see me in another couple of months, He is very nice.
What did my dad die of?? I have forgotten what you told Jill?

Well I had better go and have a snooze on my mat as Jill is falling asleep and cannot keep her eyes open. I hope you are well and would love to see you one day...

with all my love

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Hi Mum, how are you these days?? I meant to wish you a "Merry Christmas", but forgot coz Jill went to Melbourne on Christmas Day and left me at home with Millie and the other animals. Boy can Millie bark, she barks all day and I hardly get any sleep with her around.
Jill and Gerard spent most of the day with Kate and had a lovely time. Gerard got back home at about 8pm, he had a good run back from Rowville only took him 3 hours. Jill stayed on as she went to see her mum who has now moved to Rosebud, It is a lot further for her to go visit now. Her mum is living with Jill's sister in a unit under their house. It is lovely.
I was upset the other day coz Millie just got up and attacked me again, she made me yelp. I did not do anything honestly. She is getting worse with her old age I am sure.
Jill is going to take her to the vet and see if she can take a pill to calm her down. She is so mean. The rabbit is leaving me alone a lot more now, probably coz I ignore her when she comes near me or I usually get up and go sleep on my bed and she does not bother me then.
I am so happy all the time coz my tail just wags and wags all day long. I went to the vet before Christmas and had my needles I was such a good girl. Infact I did not feel a thing. I could smell the lovely little treats that the vet gave me at the end so that took my mind off things.
I spend most of my day following Jill and Gerard around the house, I sleep at the foot of their bed now at nigh, on the floor. I wait usually til Gerard is in bed asleep and when Jill finally gets up to go to bed and she goes to the loo, I quietly wander up to their room... I know it is cheecky but they do not seem to mind my snoring most nights.
I usually fall into such a deep sleep instantly and I don't hear a thing.. Millie the little brat sleeps on the floor on Jill's side of the bed, she growls a lot at me and I am sure she is used to growling in her sleep, she is so grumpy.
Each morning I usually get up and go to Gerards side of the bed and make funny noises while my tail hits the side of the bed all the time, until I bet patted. Gerard then goes to the loo after getting dressed and I then follow on after him and wait then for my first walk for the day.
It is always such a treat to go running out the front door, around the garage and just smell around the grass out there. Sometimes I run over to the longer grass and even one day I got carried away and was walking down the road with a couple I had never met before! I think I have selective hearing coz I thought I heard Jill calling me, but I was having so much fun, I did not hear her..
Well I suppose I had better let Jill get to bed, she is yawning. Gerard has just opened the door for the umpteenth time for me to have a short walk. I had a good walk around the block earlier. We do it every night.
Hope you had a good Christmas with the family. I think of you a lot. Maybe you will come visit one day when you are free?
O.K. night night for now..
lots of luv Missy xxx

Sunday, December 07, 2008

This is the Rabbit from Hell!!! Well not really, we just found out after 10 months that Bunzo is really Bunzette! She does not bother me much these days.
This is Millie, the ratbag. She is so grumpy and growls at me all the time and I really and truly am scared of her! Yeah I know she is little but when she nips and bites it does hurt me and I cannot help but yelp, just a little. This is a real pesky little animal. Kate, the daughter came down with her new addition to her family of 8 ferrets and a cat! His name is Lipo, apparently after a re chargeable battery coz that is what he is like. i just had no space, he just wanted to get so close to me.

Again, he did not care what part of my body he got close to, just as long as he could get my warmth I suppose. Well he is only about 8 weeks old here.

The bigger picture, fancy cuddling up to my butt!

He is really little, but oh so pesky, I must bve showing my age these days.

Aaah this is the life, snoozing on my own......

Jill had to take me somewhere, forgotten where now and she put a cloth on the black seat to stop my hairs from getting all over the seat, but I had a better idea, so hair went everywhere in the end!

I will sleep on anything!! even a towel that was on the floor for wet feet! Makes a nice soft pillow for me.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Well if Millie insists on sleeping in my bed I will just have to sleep in hers!!

So hard to believe I have been living with Jill and Gerard for over 12 months, it still seems like yesterday when I first came for my visit to this wonderful place.

I have a great life here, yeah really I do. In the morning I usually wake when Gerard starts to rise and I rush up the hall to greet him, hitting my tail on everything that is in my way. I can hardly wait for him to get some clothes on and go to the loo before we go out for our first walk for the day, I am so excited. Milly is a pain, that is the little black dog, she just won't let me get out and run coz she wants to control me and hovers over me every time I go to the toilet.

When we get back from our walk sometimes it is time for Gerard to go to work and after he shuts the door Milly runs up the hall to be with Jill and jumps on the bed. When I come running down Milly starts this awful growl which does intimidate me, but I keep going and go around the other side of the bed to see Jill, she is usually asleep and I rest my face on the edge of the bed and make little noises to wake her up, I look so adorable and she usually reaches out her hand to pat my face.

During the day I love being with Jill and Gerard, I like sleeping on the floor close to their feet and getting in their way. I love being indoors and just love wagging my tail all the time.

Sometimes when they go out I tend to get up to a little bit of mischief, but nothing too bad. I love curling up on their lounge chairs when they are not at home and at night time when they forget to put something hard on them then I can't sit on them.

GT Gerards mate came and stayed for about 10 days and brought some of his washing to do while here and for some reason I just could not help myself and I found I was drawn to the laundry and rummaged in the bags of washing to be done. When they would come home, they found the odd sock or other clothes on the floor in the lounge room or at the front door! Hey it was not me!!! Oh no... It happened a couple of times, I just don't know what happens to me when I do it.

Jill has been having a lot of back problems and has been using a wheat bag for over a week and then she went to Melbourne for a few days and when she came back, I just happened to find the wheat bag, and when she got up the next morning, there happened to be wheat all over the lounge carpet with the wheat bag in the centre feeling a bit damp and chewed. When Jill asked Milly and I "who did this??" I just stood back and kept quiet while Milly was all over Jill with licks and love. So they decided it was Milly who made the mess. The next day while Jill was outside in the garden she started to laugh and there on the grass were big poos full of wheat! So the game was up, I was guilty. Yep I did it and boy did it taste good. I just could not help myself.

I was so rapt to see my Mum the other day, she made a surprise visit and I just snuggled into her and she me. It was so good to see her. I am such a gentle girl and when it was time for her to go home, I restrained myself from jumping in her car so as to not upset her again. she just has tears running down her face all the time.

Honestly Mum I am a good girl and I really do understand why I am living here with Jill and Gerard. As they have said you are welcome any time to come down and see me, as long as it does not upset you too much,

Every day Chloe calls by to say hello, she has been a good friend to me ever since I stayed at her place when the floods were on, she finally decided I could be her friend and she likes coming to say hello.

Bunz the rabbit has settled down now and does not circle around me and try to snuggle into me at long last, I think he finally realises I am not his mum!

At the end of the day when Gerard is getting my tea for me, I just cannot sit still, I keep running to the laundry door and then back to the lounge room making little noises and then back to the laundry and so on until Gerard appears with my food. I still sit and stay and wait for my food, I am such a good girl.

After tea, I am inside again as I am all day and have a lood sleep indoors. When Gerard gets off his chair, I know it is time for our night time walk around the block, just love going out.

Jill sits in her chair for hours more and when she finally gets up to go to bed we expect to go outside again for a pee, sometimes she lets us out other times she just goes to bed. I either go to sleep on my bed in the lounge room or if they forget to cover their chairs, I sneak on them. They leave the door open for me to go out if I need to, but usually I sleep through the night in the warm.

Well I had better go, looks like Gerard is going out the front door to check the letter box, that is a walk time!!

talk soon

luv Missy xxx

Monday, August 06, 2007

Hey what happened? It wasn't this deep last time!

Oh how embarrassing!! The grass was here this morning! Jill put this pic of me on the ABC website!

Who said I have a double chin??
I thought you said "hop in"
Oh no don't make me get out!